Friday, July 21, 2006

Wish you were here

I just realised that i am hoplessly addicted. Not to the internet, gods not. I can gicve it up anytime i want.

I'm addicted to information.

It's easy to see when you're in a village castle on summer break and you're checking goddamn slashdot. Seriously, something is wrong with me.

Speaking of the village... i am currently residing in a small castle in Morawa. Not a palace, just a place where rich people used to live. The bad part is that i'm on a language camp. The language of the day is German.


Given that i don't really understand german, i consider it a good choice to find a camp in poland, so there's more people i can talk to. Well thought out.
Actually, after some time now, i can communicate with them a bit with snorts and grunts. I think they might understand english. Who cares?

The Polish group is quite nice, most of them a bit older than me. We still have fun, nethertheless.

The nicest thing is that i have a room in what was once the attic. the roof window opens to a nice view. And at night the stars are truly stunning. Shame i don't have a photo camera.